FDOT Provides Guidance for Implementation of Executive Order 20-80
~ Travelers from the New York Tri-State area required to isolate for 14 days upon arrival ~
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – In an effort to keep Floridians safe and to assist with the implementation of Executive Order 20-80 issued on March 23, 2020 by Governor Ron DeSantis, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), in coordination with the Florida Department of Health (DOH), is providing guidance to travelers who seek to come to Florida from the New York Tri-State area. Effective immediately, travelers will be required to isolate for a period of 14 days from the time of entry or for the duration of their visit, whichever is shorter, and should be prepared for additional monitoring by DOH to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
Upon arrival to Florida, each arriving traveler or responsible family member (if traveling as a family) will be required to complete an airport traveler form. The form requires key information related to the traveler’s history including contact information and trip details be provided to DOH. Failure to complete the form and failure to follow any isolation or quarantine order from DOH are a violation of Florida law. Members of the Florida National Guard will be on site at airports throughout the state to help ensure the process runs efficiently.
Additionally, travelers will be provided with a traveler card, which has contact information and guidance in the event the traveler exhibits symptoms that are attributed of COVID-19, including fever, cough, or shortness of breath, while in isolation.
To further assist with the implementation of the Executive Order, FDOT has requested that each public use airport provide data, including existing scheduled flights that will originate from the greater New York area, to ensure DOH staff and law enforcement are onsite upon the flight’s arrival. FDOT has and will continue to coordinate with public use airports across the state as the state’s response to COVID-19 evolves.
Source: https://www.fdot.gov/info/co/news/newsreleases/default.shtm